Fashion, Cosmetics, Style

Dry Skin Care

Posted on: October 27, 2008

Dry skin looks dull due to the fine pores it has. This skin usually is comfortable when creams and moisturizers are applied. But, other than application of creams, certain care should also be taken by people having such types of skin.

Dry skin usually gets more intense during the winter. Summers are also equally bad for dry skin as the moisture tends to escape from the fine pores in the dry skins. To get back moisture one should leave the windows open for as much time as possible. Consuming lots of water, bathing with bath oils help in retaining the moisture content. However bubble baths are not a good option for retaining moisture content. Similarly as much as possible, coffee should be avoided as it ends up leaving the skin dehydrated.

Fingernails should not be let dry and lotions should be applied as much as possible, because when moisture loss happens, it starts showing up from these areas.

Having a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and yoghurt and having plenty of water are certain basic do’s for taking care of a dry skin. Special care should also be taken of delicate skin near the eyes.

There are however no permanent remedies for dry skin care. Hence a periodic use of softeners and moisturizers is essential to maintain the moisture balance in the skin. Mild soaps should be used while bathing as it helps prevent excessive oil and moisture loss.

For those interested in home remedies for a dry skin we shall discuss it in the next post.

Till then Happy Skin Care !!!!!

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